
SSDeV Hook Lock Picks


(3 customer reviews)

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The SSDeV Hooks were designed by Sparrows with the help of the world’s first lockpick community (from Berlin), Sportsfreunden der Sperrtechnik Deutschland e.V. (SSDeV).

The lockpick community from Germany, known as SSDeV, was asked which lock picks they would like to have developed by Sparrows. It soon became known that she wanted to realize these three special hook picks.
SSDeV Hook lock picks are ideal for deep reach during lockpicking and can also be used to lockpick sideways.

This lockpick set works particularly well on European narrow keyholes, but can also be used on American locks.

SSDeV is free to people who would like to learn more about lockpicking.
Check out their blog, if you want to stay up to date on when they are active https://blog.ssdev.org/
After doing some research, you will see that SSDeV is highly respected for their techniques, dedication and ranking in all lockpicking competitions.

This set is an extension of your own lockpick set.

The logo was designed by Courtesy of SSDev.

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0.025"/0.64 mm

3 reviews for SSDeV Hook Lock Picks

  1. Morgan MONNIER

    Sparrows products : Nice prices, High quality metal, perfect shapes.

    This set is a perfect complement for most of the US-made LockPicks sets. Designed specially for use on EUR locks, they’re amazingly usefull (Thanks to SSDeV team) !!!

    I strongly recomand them, the one on the middle is one of my 3 favourites hooks.

    (Version with handle are really ergonomistic).

  2. Anoniem

    Es handelt sich um eine Reihe von Hakenpicks… ein gut genug Griff, um damit zu arbeiten, eine gute Auswahl von flachen bis tiefen Haken.

  3. Alex

    Fantastischer Kundenservice, sehr engagiert, so dass ich schnell mit meinen Schlössern herumhantieren konnte. Ich habe zwar ein Schloss geöffnet, aber es ist unglaublich frustrierend, dass ich es jetzt nicht mehr öffnen kann!

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